I fished the South Fork by myself today. I floated from Cottonwood down to Byington. The fishing was awesome until about 4:00. I had close to 40+ hookups by myself, and I landed 7 trout that went 16 inches. The best part of the day was when I stopped and waded one particular riffle. The first cast resulted in a 16'' brown. The second cast resulted in a 16'' hybrid. The third cast resulted in a 16'' cutthroat. Now that is probably the best three casts that I have ever made. I think God was smiling on me. The top bugs today was a motor oil streamer and a size 8 rubberlegs.
There were a few challenges today. One it is very difficult to row a drift boat and cast at the same time, but I figured it out and didn't run into any logs or bushes. The other challenge hit about 4:00 when a thunder storm pounded me with rain for the last two hours of the day. I should have known better to pack my waders, but in the morning it was clear so I left them in the truck. Here I am rowing down the river in a torrential downpour in my board shorts and sandals. Come out to Idaho to get a chance to fish this phenomenal fishery.
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