Sunday, March 11, 2007

The Lower Sac on 3/10/2007

I had the opportunity to row my dad and one of our close family friends on the Lower Sac. When I pulled up to the boat launch I was afraid that I had chosen the wrong drift. In total there were eight boats putting in at Bonnyview. Luckily for me they were all doing a long drift all the way down to Balls Ferry, and I was only going to Anderson. This drift is getting a little repetitive for me, but it is holding lots of fish. So I ended slowing up at first to let everyone get out in front of me. By the time I got to the Porky Pig riffle everyone was out of sight, and I had the rest of the drift to myself. We had a great day hooking 35+ rainbows with many in the 16''- 18'' range. The weather was perfect with sunshine and a nice 70 degrees. I think Spring is here, and the caddis are loving it. The bugs really didn't get going until about 11AM, but once they were coming off in good numbers the fish started eating really well. From 11AM to 3PM the fishing was stupid good. If you want the opportunity to throw dry flies now is the time to go to the Sac. Check out my website for more informaiton on this incredible tailwater fishery. Space is filling up for the spring madness on the Sac!

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