The Egg Bite has slowed down a whole lot from last week on the Lower Sac. There have been no fresh salmon showing up to keep those trout on eggs. Most of the salmon reds on the river have very few salmon cutting spawning beds and this leads to minimal trout eating eggs. Actually this weekend the middle of the river fished better than the top. Saturday and Sunday saw very effective trout fishing between Anderson and Barge Hole. Currently the Lower Sac is fishing more like the Spring rather than the third week of October. The trout are eating a variety of flies from big rubberlegs, eggs, and pheasant tails. What was the most surprising this last weekend was how well some of the flats fished. For those of you who fish the Sac you know that the flats can fish extremely well in the Spring and Summer but Fall is the time to find fish in the faster water. Well that assumption might not hold unless some new salmon show up to get the trout all jacked up on eggs again. Everyone keep their fingers crossed!
One really cool thing that happened this last weekend was that a client of mine caught a steelhead just below the bonnyview riffle. Prior to that trip the highest I had ever caught a steelhead on the Lower Sac was Deschutes Bridge which is a good 10 miles downstream. Well at least I think it is a steelhead. It looks like one and fought like one but you be the judge from the picture above. Give me a call if you want to do some steelheading on the Feather this November. I have a few availabilities still left.
Tight Lines and Big Steelhead!!
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