I'm writing to tell everyone that the Yuba and Lower Sac should be fishable by this weekend. Flows spiked a little last night but it looks like the next three days are going to be dry. The rivers might not necessarily be clear by this weekend but they should be fishable. Remember you only need a couple feet of visibility to catch those rainbows. When the conditions are off color like that then the name of the game is large and bright flies. Fish eggs, rubberlegs, san juans, and larger nymphs. Hope this helps for those of you itching to get out there.
If anyone is interested in doing some last minute fishing then I have some more days that I am offering at a discount. Once again you get a full day of fishing at the half day cost of $275. This is a savings of $125. The days that I am trying to fill are Jan. 31 (Sun.), Feb. 10 (Wed.), Feb. 12 (Fri.), and Feb. 14 (Sun.). Let me know ASAP if you want one of these discounted days.
Tight Lines!
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