The South Fork continues to be on and off. For the most part of this week I have focused on the Canyon. The Canyon has been fishing fairly consistent with a hopper dropper setup. The Franken hopper has been catching some large fish, and the Lightning Bug has been getting the average fish. Each day we have had opportunities at some big fish. Actually almost every day this week we hooked a 20'' fish. It seems as though the trout are more willing to rise in the morning, and then the afternoon sees more success from the dropper. At this point I will take them anyway we can get them. The weather this week did not help either. Most of the week saw strong winds between 15-30 mph. All of us fly fisherman of course love the wind.
I fished the upper one time this week. It was the first time I have fished the upper river since the first week the lodge opened. The fishing in the morning was good, but the afternoon was warm and we were forced to do some nymphing. I could feel my blood boil when I tied on the indicator. I kept thinking, I cannot believe that I am nyphing in Idaho. But to tell you the truth we caught several nice rainbows on a size 14 copper bob.
I am getting excited to go home. Only two more days of guiding in Idaho, and then my wife and I go back to Chico to start school and guiding on all of those California rivers. Give me a call if you want to get in on the Lower Sac this October, because the space is already filling up.