Thursday, July 10, 2014

Finally - Another Post

Hey guys. It has been a long time since my last post. All I can say is that life has not been the same since my last post in December. We now are a family of 4 with the new addition of our second girl Ava Rose in April. She has been an absolute joy and everyone is doing great. Her mom and myself are still trying to learn how to be parents to 2 kids but we are figuring it out little by little. Now on to the fishing. Lower Sac -

The Lower Sac has been having some decent fishing this summer. It really depends on what drift you are on but one can expect good to great fishing all the way throughout the entire river. The hot bugs have been pmds in the morning and caddis in the afternoon.

Lower Yuba - The Yuba has had some average fishing over the last couple of weeks. However the Hopper fishing is starting. So get those 4 and 5 weights out and go throw some dry flies toward the banks. Imagine you are in Montana and try to rise some fish in the valley. A great time of year to go spend a half day.

Stripers - The striper fishing has been really good this last week. Lots of fish to be had in the river right now. If you are looking to do a striper trip then from now until the middle parts of August is prime time. Time to grab the big rods and get out there to do some fishing.

For those of you that are looking to do some fishing in the fall my dates are booking up. So start looking at those calendars and send me an email ASAP. I currently only have 4 openings for the month of October. Got to love the egg bite.

Hope all of you are well. I will try to keep more up to date posts on what is going on in the valley.